Hey, I'm Morgan
I kinda wish my “About Page” story was one of those cool ones where it’s like “I showed an interest in baking at an early age. I was whipping up meringue by the time I was 3 and had perfected the creme brûlée by the time I was 7 yada yada.” Truthfully, it’s a relatively recent passion. However, my first word was “cookie” (fact-check it with my parents, I dare you), so maybe it was in the stars all along?? But I have always been drawn to the arts and creating, and Lord knows I’ve forever been drawn to all things desserts, so maybe it was a matter of time until those two things collided for me.
Regardless, I love that I get to do this and I've been truly blown away by the support and kind words from family, friends, and new faces alike.